Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege | Ubisoft® (US)廁所牆上9條暴強對聯 上:天下英雄豪傑到此俯首稱臣 下:世間貞烈女子進來寬衣解裙 橫批:天地正氣 ---------------------------- 上:腳踏黃河兩岸手拿機密文件 下:前面機槍掃射後面炮火連天 橫批:爽 ---------------------------- 上:大開方便之門Smoke Smoke is a fearless thrill seeker in battle and can be a great asset for defensive maneuvers with his detonatable chemical gas charge that deals damage to anyone in ... Thermite Thermite is a prominent demolitions expert recruited from the ranks of ...