Taipei Adventist American School ▲屁孩腦殘亂嗆司機,最後下場令人痛快!(sourse : 左 ozzyman,右 yzz,右圖為示意圖非當事人) 屁孩無國界,每個國家都會有喜歡做蠢事的屁孩出現,就連被人喻為最溫和的加拿大人也一樣,根據ozzyman報導,就有一則在網路上瘋傳的屁孩怒嗆除雪機司機,還自己一邊攝影一邊對司機Welcome to TAAS We invite you to visit our campus and seriously consider Taipei Adventist American School as the school for your child. ... The size of TAAS makes it possible for each teacher to individualize instruction in a way not possible in a larger...