Saxonia Militaria - Imperial German Militaria 1816 - 1918 圖片截自dcard下同 各位網友聽過什麼樣的分手理由? 再爛的應該都有過吧? 舉凡媽寶型「我媽不喜歡你」、算命型「算命的說我們不適合」 緩衝型「我們先分開一陣子吧」、失憶型「出車禍失憶忘記你是誰」 各式各樣的瞎爆理由真的多不勝數 而如今有網友再dcard上PO文讓爛理由再添一筆 以下為原文 網友看This is a lifetime collection of Imperial German Militaria. There is a range of German army, imperial air service and naval items. There is a remaining collection of swords, edged weapons, Pickelhauben, caps, Meutzen, Tschapkas, Shakos and Cockades ......