德國red dot

Red Dot - Official Site    這隻鳥好特別...   但我被蒙蔽了!!Red Dot exhibition in Hong Kong Designs with a story – in the exhibition “Every Product Tells a Story” The American entrepreneur Henry Ford once said: “Every object tells a story, if you know how to read it.” Inspired by this quote, the exhibition “Every ...


榮獲德國Red Dot設計獎,全球首次量販(白色)-Kimada Life & Idea   羅絲看到不知道會怎樣XD榮獲德國Red Dot紅點設計獎,「Trash. Know 垃圾懂」全球首次量販。 「Trash. Know垃圾.懂」, 繼2009年榮獲德國Red Dot紅點設計大獎、在2010年再接再厲獲得 日本Good Design Award與台灣金點設計獎Golden Pin Design Award之雙項榮譽肯定。...


Red Dot Online: Design Award 就是養一條忠犬!!(最後主人還叫牠去咬他XD)Monday, 19 January 2015 Red Dot Award: Product Design - Regular registration phase ending soon On 27 January, the regular registration period of the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2015 will end. Manufacturers and designers submit their projects and product...


Trash.Know 垃圾‧懂 榮獲德國Red Dot設計獎,全球首次量販(黑色) - PChome線上購物 - 24h 購物   他們怎麼可以忍住笑阿XDDDDTrash.Know 垃圾‧懂 榮獲德國Red Dot設計獎,全球首次量販(黑色) - Trash. Know 垃圾懂(桶), Trash.Know 垃圾‧懂 榮獲德國Red Dot設計獎,全球首次量販(黑色)...
