MAD – Online – Your #1 Source For Everything Majandra Delfino | Majandra Delfino Fansite ▲林志玲與大老闆們。(source:頭條號主曉石娛樂,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 相信說到林志玲,生在台灣的各位都知道吧?擁有號稱台灣第一美女的她,不僅會唱歌還會演戲,甚至也當過主持人和演過電影,說她是台灣的一線女星也不為過。 但是根據頭條號主曉石娛樂報導,林志玲最讓人津津樂道的卻Majandra Delfino is set as the female lead opposite James Roday in ABC’s untitled Molyneux comedy pilot (aka The Brainy Bunch), from Imagine TV and 20th TV. Melanie Griffith co-stars in the pilot, written/executive produced by Wendy & Lizzie Molyneux and ...