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Les Misérables: Highlights from the Motion Picture Soundtrack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia裝傻是不好的唷..    Les Misérables: Highlights from the Motion Picture Soundtrack is the film soundtrack for the Universal Pictures film Les Misérables, performed by Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Eddie Redmayne, Samantha Barks, Aaron Tveit, Hel...


[英語]悲慘世界 - 電影原聲帶[MP3/320K/152MB/多空]音樂下載_免費軟體分享_新浪博客還吃不夠!? [英語]悲慘世界 - 電影原聲帶[MP3/320K/152MB/多空]音樂下載 【歌手名稱】:悲慘世界 【專輯名稱】:電影原聲帶 【音樂品質】:320K 【存放空間】:多空 【檔案大小】:152MB 【發行日期】:2013-02-08 【存放時間】:系統自砍...


Amazon.com: Claude-Michel Schönberg: Les Misérables: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack: Music這設計真是太精巧了....!!!!! This is a comparative review of the Deluxe Recording of the Movie Soundtrack of Les Miserables Les Misérables: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack with the four best of the recordings of the musical, the Original London Cast (OLC), Les Misérables - Origina...
