戀上另一個人 - 游鴻明 [Lian Shang Ling Yi Ge Ren - You Hong Ming] - YouTube 來源/環球旅行(ID:Viphuanqiu) 本文由「135編輯器」提供技術支持 生活的有趣之處在於,它從來不會為任何一個人編排一份劇本,然後按照既定的路線走完一生。 但它又像是一出出精心策劃的戲,因為它時不時的給你一個小驚喜,然後徹底改變你。 A very touching song with an equally touching music video... especially the part when the girl cried while watching a music video in a cafe, and the guy came out of the washroom not knowing what just happened... missing out the chance to know she still fe...