蘇富比烈酒線上拍賣 稀世珍品大摩62年再破拍賣紀錄
Albert Einstein - Wikiquote【CWNTP 應瑋漢 [email protected]】蘇富比於2020年5月14日展開一場名為點滴成金的線上烈酒拍賣會,共有216項威士忌、干邑等烈酒珍稀拍品。此拍賣已於倫敦時間2020年5月28日晚上8點結束,並由兩瓶大摩62年以預估價兩倍多的高價並列成為此拍賣會最高拍價的珍品,成交How much do I love that noble man More than I could tell with words I fear though he'll remain alone With a holy halo of his own. Poem by Einstein on Spinoza (1920), as quoted in Einstein and Religion by Max Jammer, Princeton UP 1999, p. 43; original Germ...