未完待續的平凡相依──鬼鬼x玉澤演@我們結婚了國際版 EP9(含花絮) | 孤讀者的航行原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:鴉小編 萌友們呀比~我是鴉小編(‘ω’)ノ 是這樣的,這幾天突然收到了一封信: 「給鴉小編,遊戲一天只能玩30分鐘,不准課金, 不然馬麻就要去加妳的FB/推特/噗浪朋友當好友喔!!」 等等、馬麻不要去加我的好友啦(((@口@;))) &nbOur relationship has gone to a phase where we are always there for each other. And whenever the other person is feeling down or you know humiliated in front of the other person, we're very happy. It's what like, you know... I don't know, Tom and Jerry... ...