男人就該這樣穿才「型」!五款 Street Style 混搭特輯
未完待續的平凡相依──鬼鬼x玉澤演@我們結婚了國際版 EP9(含花絮) | 孤讀者的航行 【原文轉載自 Polysh】 延續之前亞洲五大帥的文章,為了讓台灣男性同胞們更貼近時尚 (激昂握拳),Polysh 特別選出了五種時裝與 Street Style 混搭的撇步,要你別老是牛仔褲配上羽絨外套然後再內搭短袖塗鴉 T-shirt 了 (標準台灣男性)。透過穿搭讓人從細節看出你是Our relationship has gone to a phase where we are always there for each other. And whenever the other person is feeling down or you know humiliated in front of the other person, we're very happy. It's what like, you know... I don't know, Tom and Jerry... ...