projector Meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary (翻攝自youtube,下同) 美女們水上活動時需多注意身上所穿的泳衣,很多時候當衝擊力太大時,往往都會把身上穿的泳衣給沖脫! 曾經在一些水上樂園的滑水道,看過無數次女生們的泳衣被沖脫...最後搞到自己不敢起身,而需要別人給毛巾遮蓋才敢離開滑水道。有多尷尬啊! 甚至有些色狼就躲在滑水projector meaning, definition, what is projector: a device for showing films or images on a screen or other surface. Learn more. ... There are two ways of forming similes. The first is with as … as: The countryside here is as flat as a pancake. I knew Pol...