
Donna Pope Vincler Crowned Winner of the 11th Annual Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Contest Presented by   亂接女同事電話後果很嚴重 公司一女同事中午外出吃飯, 手機落公司。 然後她老公一個勁的打電話, 旁邊一宅男吃完午睡, 覺得很吵, 在電話響起的第N回後, 宅男很氣憤的拿起電話, 吼道:「我們在睡覺, 你老打電話,煩不煩。」 不一會兒辦公室門口就出現了個男的。 然後宅男被打得很慘&heCINCINNATI, Jun 17, 2015 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- After much anticipation, Donna Pope Vinclerwas named the winner of the 11th Annual Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Contest presented by Cheap Chic Weddings and Charmin at today’s design showcase. For the first time i...


International “Common Law Court” Indicts The Pope While Sitting On The Toilet! (Feat. Kevin Annett) Google地圖提供多個地區的街道實景瀏覽,這些實景都是由Google的專用拍攝車拍攝下來的。 和Google Earth上出現有趣圖景一樣,街景地圖也拍下了很多有趣的、搞笑的照片,在這里和大家分享一下。   大膽的俄羅斯人,他在追逐一頭熊!   Party結束後的一片狼藉! This You Tube video by Kevin Annett is aimed at his ‘hard of thinking’ devotees,where on top of the over hyped b/s of the ever present ‘breaking news’ he now tries to convince them that he is in transit to Europe to take part in some non-existent event th...


El baño del Papa (2007) - IMDb白蟻這個常見的害蟲,平時大家也都見怪不怪,而負責產卵的白蟻女王,身體會比公蟻還要大許多。 在國外的某戶人家裡,意外的發現這詭異的白蟻女王,身體比一般常見的白蟻還要巨大,隨著身體詭異的柔軟蠕動更像動畫風之谷裡的王蟲一樣,已經完全看不出是白蟻的樣子了,在我們見識他真面目前,我們先欣賞幾張「類似」他身影的Directed by César Charlone, Enrique Fernández. With César Troncoso, Virginia Méndez, Mario Silva, Virginia Ruiz. A small South American village is in a flurry over the Pope's ......


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