龐克‧文藝復興 | Hail to the Quiff 事情是這樣的:各位美眉們,不知道你們的男朋友是不是也會這樣?每次我和我男朋友接吻的時候...他的手都要隔著衣服然後摸我的胸有時候甚至會伸進衣服裡摸但是我是一個比較傳統保守的人我覺得他這樣做是對我的一種污辱!!!好幾次我都想推開他,叫他不要這樣子對我可他卻更加用力的抓住我,讓我不能動彈...誰讓我這I’d like to know where did you get the data for this passage: did you mix the foreign or domestic resources or you just depict your feeling about Punk? If it’s the former, I will be so appreciate for you offering the websites that I’ll have deeper relizat...