Eight percent per annum: Value investing in Singapore stocks 在一起生活幾十年並且婚姻美滿的夫妻會出現一種有趣的現象。他們之間長期的和諧關係似乎會在他們臉上留下印記:他們的容貌會越來越相似,顯然這是長年累月共同的情感體驗對面部肌肉影響的結果。每一種情感都會放鬆或者收緊某些特定的面部肌肉,因此當夫妻一起微笑或者皺眉的時候,他們的面部肌肉也在做著同樣的運動。這樣Say Caterpillar, it has significant exposure to global mining which is in a huge decline after China slowed and all the commodities got hit by slow demand, over capacity and low prices. Iron ore fell from $100 to $40 and copper also suffered a 30-40% decl...