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148Apps » iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch App Reviews and News | 148Apps ▲這位小姐接下來會做出嚇壞身邊所有人的事情。(source:ktzhk,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 世界上是否真的有「靈異現象」的出現,還是只是人為的操作呢?這一直都是一個謎團,然而不論背後的原因是什麼,有些現實中拍出來的團體照片,看著看著就是會讓人覺得毛骨悚然,因為有些現象真的無The best iOS app reviews and news this side of Mars! ... Set for release soon, Rebellion’s motorbike racing game, Raceline CC certainly looks stylish. But how does it play? I got my hands on a preview build to answer exactly that....


MacRumors iPhone and iPad Blog: Apps, News, and Rumors 昨天晚上,周杰倫在西安舉辦演唱會,期間發生了這樣的一幕:     周杰倫:“把他的燈牌還給他。這位公安,hello,你不要亂丟我歌迷的燈牌,有沒有聽到?”   現場粉絲一陣歡呼;   周杰倫:“你要控制秩序你把他燈牌丟掉幹iPhone news, rumors and applications....


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