Bose簽約余文樂為其大中華區品牌代言人 - Iron Man Arc Reactor【記者周蘭君報導】Bose宣布簽約余文樂為其大中華區品牌代言人,為Bose旗下耳機、行動藍牙揚聲器以及家庭劇院等系列產品代言。 擁有演員、潮流偶像、企業家等多重身分,余文樂追求卓越與不斷突破的個人形象,與Bose的品牌精神相得益彰。他熱愛音樂、演藝事業,保持獨到的潮流風格,同時也是個注Iron Man Arc Reactor This page is about building an Iron Man Arc Reactor prop, check out the main project index for the rest of the suit. This Iron Man Arc Reactor prop was made from items purchased in the local 99p store. You can see the items I used as ...