Daylight Saving Time Around the World 2013 一、搬弄是非 哪個男人會喜歡人家稱自己的女朋友為八婆、長舌婦呢?所以,經常在人前說長道短,揭人隱私的女孩子,只會令男朋友覺得她是一個無聊小氣的蠢婦,甚至以她為羞。 二、自命矜貴 有些女子總以為讓男朋友知道自己還有很多男士追,對方便會覺得自己更矜貴,並且對她更為著緊,所以,她經常在言語間暗示自己仍有This page contains dates for when Daylight Saving Time (DST) starts and end during year 2013. ... Daylight Saving Time Around the World 2013 Daylight saving time is often incorrectly referred to as “daylight savings time”. In some countries, it is also ca...