Gamania Corporation 話說,說起獵豹, 很多人可能都覺得它們兇猛矯健尖齒利爪,是力量、速度與威嚴的象徵…… 那今天要說的事可能會讓你萌到跌眼鏡了-。- 其實,獵豹這種動物,雖然看上去十分兇殘, 但人家的內里,也是有一顆小小的「玻璃心」的: 據動物學家Product / Online Games Dream Drops The people fall are drawn into a deep sleep, as if it were a whirlpool. When they dream, fairy tales come to life! But in Dream Drops, everything has become distorted: Snow White is no longer sweet and Pinocchio has beco...