杜拜超豪華"公車" 耗資3億元時速250公里!!超強大
Best VPN Service | Change IP For Online Games, Security Anonymous Surfing, Unblock Website | FlyVPN 你心目中的公車應該是怎麼樣呢,又擠又慢又老舊嗎,但看完杜拜打造的超級豪華公車 Superbus 相信你會有所改觀,這輛超級豪華的公車由設計師 Antonia Terzi 設計,一輛需耗費台幣3.4億打造,可乘載 23 名乘客,往返當地杜拜到阿布達比 140.8 公里的FlyVPN is one of the best VPN service providers, offers 30+ countries 150+ VPN servers to unblock websites, protect personal privacy and anonymous surfing ... Our VPN server locations Asia: China Mainland, Korea, Hongkong, Japan, Taiwan ......