yumm。|| Starbucks Milk Foamer。星巴克奶泡機。|| | Com'on Eileen是否會變得“大媽”並不一定由年齡決定,而是由“帶有大媽味道的言行舉止”所決定的。所以到底什麼言行舉止會被認為很大媽呢? “女子SPA!綜研”調查了100名30多歲未婚的男性,從而得出了下面的數據。 “前一秒還是可愛的yumm。|| Starbucks Milk Foamer。星巴克奶泡機。|| 2012/07/22 The most exciting thing I bought in Tokyo is this milker foamer! I’m not a coffee person, but I can’t live without tea. I really love the thick milk I got in the shops, so why not make it at home with any...