How to Hack a smartphone using SMS « Smartphones 今年在電影《釜山行》里,以地表最強老爸之姿,氣勢簡直可以和男主角孔侑相比的演員馬東錫出道多年,不過一直沒有緋聞傳出。 和他粗獷味的外表相比,據說私下他本人比螢幕上shy shy shy很多呢~也是上回電影戲裡外的反差萌點之一,人送外號「馬可愛」!在電影大紅之How to Hack a smartphone using SMS How many of you have or know people who have a smartphone? There's a lot of you, right? Well, depending on how most of you use those smartphones, there could be all kind of sensitive information stored on it, and that .....