Mandelbox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 大家只知道小龍女被尹志平OOXX了,以為是尹志平佔了便宜,但真相到底是什麼呢? 讓我們來細細分析回想一下:當年小龍女被尹志平XXOO過了3、4個月,小龍女就離楊過而去,要和絕情谷主結婚,這估計就是有了孩子,妊娠反應出現了,她很驚恐,情緒反覆不定,你看,在這段時間內發生的事情符合不符合這情況? 然後In mathematics, the mandelbox is a fractal with a boxlike shape found by Tom Lowe in 2010. It is defined in a similar way to the famous Mandelbrot set as the values of a parameter such that the origin does not escape to infinity under iteration of certain...