CUBOX 2014 春夏新品 "ISLAND OF DREAMS 尋夢島"
Bada Bing Go-Go Bar in Bangkok - Magazine “任何事情都可能發生,無論是預期中或是跳脫框架後措手不及的轉變。” 面對如此充滿驚奇或是難以預料的世界, 怎麼能因為害怕失敗而放棄冒險嘗試? ────────────────── 虛實之間所帶來的喜怒哀樂 無須多加以在意 緩緩深呼吸讓心靈沉澱放鬆自己 偶爾讓內心封閉已久的小惡魔出來搗亂 放肆地進入The layout of the bar is typical of go-go bars but very well executed, with cushioned sofas running along the walls and single-seaters scattered around. This makes Bada Bing comfortable for singles or groups, and if guests arrive with a larger group, a go...