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'Final Fantasy' designer creates the wildest take on Batman yet - Worldnews.com▲機器人時代來臨啦!(source:buzzfeed) 世界的運轉速度絕對比你我想像的都快,無時無刻都有人正在絞盡腦汁的發明新東西,研發新科技,你以為你手上的iphone7已經很屌了嗎?看看底下這幾張圖吧!照這個趨勢看來,不出幾年肯定會有變形金剛的出現啊! 1. ▲電動手臂昨晚忘了充電Final Fantasy XII: Batman Begins Trailer The Cast: Basch: Batman/Bruce Wayne (or Baschman XD) Ashe: Rachel Dawes Vayne: Henri Ducard Balthier: Lucius Fox Dal... duration: 2:25 published: 23 Aug 2007 updated: 09 Sep 2012 views: 6963 author: aorin107 ......