杏仁核 amygdala

Amygdala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia義大利人對猶太人說:「我們在古羅馬的底下發現了電纜,說明了我們祖先就 發明了電話通訊。」猶太人:「那你知道在耶路撒冷發現了什麼嗎?」義大利 人:「什麼?」猶太人:「什麼也沒發現。」義大利人:「啊,那你驕傲什麼。」 猶太人:「嘿嘿...那說明了我們的祖先已經發明了無線電。」某日,大毛胃痛得不得了,就到The amygdalae (singular: amygdala; /əˈmɪɡdələ/; also corpus amygdaloideum; Latin, from Greek ἀμυγδαλή, amygdalē, 'almond', 'tonsil'[1]), listed in Gray's Anatomy as the nucleus amygdalæ, are two almond-shaped groups of nuclei located deep and medially wit...


Amygdala - Scholarpedia早年剛開放中國觀光,國人到了, 就去看偉大的建築---萬里長城,因為中國人公德心不足,觀光區都很髒亂,有一位 台灣老阿伯很愛嚼檳榔,每天都一定要嚼個兩三包以上.有一回 他跟一個觀光團去中國旅遊,當他們來到了萬里長城時,阿伯就很逍遙的邊走邊嚼他的檳榔.一位女公安瞧見了他,就走過來跟他說 :你The amygdala has a wide range of connections with other brain regions, allowing it to participate in a wide variety of behavioral functions. Some of the major connections are shown above in Figure 3. Different nuclei of the amygdala have unique connection...


Amygdala - ScienceDaily: Your source for the latest research news我大學時期有個很好的朋友,她的輝煌事蹟真的很多,現在就來分享一個最經典的,為方便閱讀,以下都以第一人稱敘述整件事。畢業以後的第一份工作終於讓我等到領薪日了!!!好開心呀^^上班的時候一直心不在焉、一直看時間,希望趕快下班,好讓我去銀行刷簿子,我要看到人生中的第一筆薪水入帳啊 T︿T..下班後騎著我破The amygdala (Latin, corpus amygdaloideum) is an almond-shape set of neurons located deep in the brain's medial temporal lobe. Shown to play a key role in the processsing of emotions, the amygdala forms part of the limbic system. In humans and other anima...


Amygdala | Define Amygdala at Dictionary.com有一天~一位想訂機票的客戶很不滿女服務員的態度,於是客戶打電話去給該公司的總經理抱怨~客戶:總經理啊!你不知道你們的服務員態度很差ㄟ!總經理:應該不會吧!客戶:不然,你自己假裝是客戶,打電話去不就知道了。果然,那服務員態度真的很差,所以總經理生氣了。總經理:你知不知道我是誰啊?你敢這樣講話?服務員:amygdala a·myg·da·la (ə-mĭg'də-lə) n. pl. a·myg·da·lae (-lē) An almond-shaped mass of gray matter in the front part of the temporal lobe of the cerebrum. Also called amygdaloid nucleus. The cerebellar tonsil. Any of the lymphatic tonsils....


amygdala - definition of amygdala by Medical dictionary有一天,市政府發生大火,現場溫度很高,逼得所有的消防人員都退得遠遠的,束手無策,眼看著火苗就要漫延開來了…就在此時,一輛救火車忽然單獨衝進火場中,從車上跳下數個救火員,拼命地灑水救火,不到一下子,就把火給熄了。於是市長就頒獎給那幾鍋英勇的救火隊員一筆獎金。就在頒獎典禮會場上,鎮長問那個amygdala [ah-mig´dah-lah] 1. an almond-shaped structure. 2. corpus amygdaloideum. a·myg·da·la, gen. and pl. a·myg·da·lae (ă-mig'dă-lă, -lē), 1. The lymphatic tonsils (pharyngeal, palatine, lingual, laryngeal, and tubal). 2. General term used for the amygd...


Amygdala | Definition of amygdala by Merriam-Webster女兒告訴媽媽 因為媽媽反對她和男朋友戀愛 她的男朋友服安眠藥自殺了 母親一驚:“自殺啦?” 女兒說:“還好,他吃錯了藥,沒死。” 母親說:“我早就說過,他這個人馬馬虎虎,大大咧咧,成不了大事Definition of AMYGDALA: the one of the four basal ganglia in each cerebral hemisphere that is part of the limbic system and consists of an almond-shaped mass of gray matter in the anterior extremity of the temporal lobe —called also amygdaloid nucleus Ask...
