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ALEX TO MY VIRTUAL PLANET TOUR 2014 MACAO | 杜德偉 極杜世界巡迴演唱會2014 澳門站 - YouTube 現代女性在工作和生活之間扮演著多元的角色,有形與無形的壓力隨之接踵而來。適逢母親節前夕,Ford關懷女性車主,以氣球及花束營造溫馨舒適的客休室空間,以提供回廠的女性車主們輕鬆愉悅的等候時間。女性車主於5月13日(六)回廠也都會收到溫馨的康乃馨花束。同時,為體恤女性車主的辛勞,Ford於Asian Pop dancing king Alex To is bringing his new concert tour “My Virtual Planet Tour 2014 Macao” to the Cotai Arena. He will join on stage with a live band and team of dancers as they reinterpret his best hits in order to give the fans a refreshing exp...