hiv 檢查,PCR與PT-PCR
港珠澳大橋 - 設計及規劃 The Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge (HZMB) - YouTubehiv 檢查,PCR與PT-PCR 什麼是PCR? PCR,是polymerase chain reaction的縮寫。中文翻譯名稱是聚合連鎖反應。簡單講,PCR是種檢驗方法,主要是利用基因片段放大的技術,而達到容易偵測或操作病毒的量的方式。 什麼是RT-PCR? 簡單說,RT-PCR是將反轉錄與PProject Description: The proposed HZMB is a large sea crossing linking Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao. It will meet the demand of passenger and freight land transport among Hong Kong, the Mainland (particularly the region of Pearl River West) and Macao. It w...