Megan FoxisCar! 因重大旅遊意外新聞,大華注意到保險的種類不同,如發生事故時可以請求的項目跟金額也不同。大華預計在連假時,選擇開車出遊還是搭車出遊,似乎投保的保險也不太相同。 Q1:乘車旅遊的保險也太多種了,到底選擇哪種比較好呢? A1:市售許多保險依內容的不同會有許多名稱,從法規上,大至可分為財產保險Megan Fox may not be returning for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle sequel, meaning that Stephen Amell may not play her love interest after all. The Arrow actor was confirmed as taking on the role of Casey Jones in the upcoming sequel, the love interest fo...