
TwoWin ::: // TwoWin社群 - 說文解字 你也快來一本吧!「做」與「作」二字,音同義近,然習慣上兩者仍有分別。可以如此區分,具體東西的製造,一般寫為「做」,向「做衣服」、「做生意」、「做好事」、「做鬼臉」、「作禮拜」….。而抽象一點的,書面色彩較重的詞語,則寫為「作」,像「作文 ......


English Diary: 勵志英文句子III 可能因為是情人節,還閃著愛心的光芒...今日事 今日畢 Thing of today Finish today 吃得苦中苦 方為人上人 Bitter while eating bitterly The side has people 勝不驕 敗不餒 It is not proud to win It is not discouraged to frustrate 疾風知勁草,路遙知馬力 Only severe trials can test one's strength of ......


彰化縣 羅厝國小 - 都會學園台灣校友錄 - 尋找國小、高中、國中校友會畢業紀念冊        阿伯: 其實我的站已經過了....  「欲加之罪,何患無辭!」清水區楊厝里林姓、蔡姓農民,日前在大楊國小外的道路曬花生,沒想到卻遭警方開罰單,各罰1200元,27日痛批市府「暴政猛於虎」;警方指出,一切依法行事,不能因曬花生影響民眾行的安全。...


English Diary 休息一下! > Question Hi Astird ,long time no see! I had an online meeting through Skype with my boss this morning, as usual ,he always asked me many questions about my research, like that, what do you think? why the hell your proposal is good? and he was unsatisfied ...
