少女時代Jessica參加「金髮尤物」活動 再露好身材
歐洲合唱團( Europe )The Final Countdown(倒數計時) 歌詞 - 歌詞帝國 少女時代Jessica將在10/15下午5pm 出席音樂劇「金髮尤物」活動 『金髮尤物』 "Pinking of your Dream!" event &nbThe Final Countdown(倒數計時) We're leaving together,But still it's farewellAnd maybe we'll come back,To earth, who can tell?I guess there is no one to bl ... 歐洲合唱團( Europe ) The Final Countdown(倒數計時) 歌詞 We're leaving together, But still it's farewell And ......