The Weather Girls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia三立、東森八點華劇「只為你停留」收視穩定成長,劇中李沛旭演活了愛護家庭的水電工長兄喬師傅,因為角色設定幽默憨厚,也讓李沛旭這次演出擄獲了更多女性觀眾,還有女粉表示「丸蕩惹!我怎麼覺得胖胖的你越看越可愛」,讓李沛旭哭笑不得的說:「我哪是胖呀!」 觀眾覺得李沛旭與小薰演出情感對手戲演的細膩又夠深情,十足The Weather Girls, also known as Two Tons o' Fun (especially during the early portion of their career), was composed of singers Izora Armstead and Martha Wash. The duo charted several dance hits over the course of its career, with its peak in popularity h...