水叮噹my oh my

Aqua (band) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia你改阿~!!Aqua is a Danish-Norwegian eurodance group, best known for their 1997 breakthrough single "Barbie Girl". The group formed in 1989 and achieved huge success around the globe in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The group released three albums: Aquarium in 19...


MY oh my 水叮噹@ 隨意窩Xuite 影音 嘿匹伯司爹兔U!  2009年3月20日 ... MY oh my 水叮噹(Xuite 影音) ... 水叮噹. 上傳者:呆呆影 人氣: 15. 00:25. 叮噹下水. 上傳者:盛仔 人氣: 2. 01:07. 水杯響叮噹. 上傳者:雪媽 人氣: 30....
