Welcome to Couchsurfing! - Couchsurfing 男人和女人是兩種不同的物種,這就注定了,“男人的賤”和“女人的賤”背道而馳。男人的賤,是越對他好越不珍惜,越追他越跑向海角,男人愛的一定不是對他最好的女人。而女人剛好相反,愛你我就對你好,好的不得了,一直對你好,好到男人只想逃,女人把自己放到卑賤的位Travel the world, explore your city and host new friends. Couchsurfing is the world's largest travel community. Log In Log in to start surfing Log In With Facebook or Forgot your password? Don't have an account? Sign up! Close Sign Up Sign up to start sur...