Go go bar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 話說,大家還記得我們前段時間說過的一個英國村子裡的小黃車風波麼... 在英國有一個叫Bibury的村子,這個村子一直以來被稱為是英國最美的古老村子。村子多年來一直保持著幾百年前英國村落的風貌,村子裡的複古的房屋被各種植被鮮花簇擁,讓它無愧于最美村莊的讚譽。每天,世界各地The term go-go bar originally referred to a nightclub, titty bar, or similar establishment that featured Go-Go dancers; while some Go-go bars in that original sense still exist, the link between its present uses and that original meaning is often more ten...