純粹主義者勿看1991 Acura NSX
Rockman X8 (Japan) ISO < PS2 ISOs | Emuparadise圖片來源:superstreetonline Wekfest L.A.是一個美國當地相當夯的改裝車展,裡面總是可以看到各式各樣的改裝車,這篇的主角就是在Wekfest L.A.上表現相當出色的Acura NSX NA1。紫色的塗料是來自於Midnight Purple 2色漆,RS FutureMega Man X8 removes many of the elements that were not well received in X7 and attempts to capture the feel of older Mega Man X games, while retaining a 3D appearance. ... If you'd like to nominate Rockman X8 (Japan) for Retro Game of the Day, please subm...