Rockman X8 (Japan) ISO < PS2 ISOs | Emuparadise最近大連工藝大學的一位女教官被網友稱為“中國最美軍訓女教官”,這位女教官的照片在網上流傳,更有網友稱她神似章子怡。原來這位女教官是學校的大三學生,因為該校向來就有大三學生擔任教官的傳統。新生軍訓遇到中國最美女教官,不少網友羨慕稱:如果有機會,再熱的天也會參加軍訓。  Mega Man X8 removes many of the elements that were not well received in X7 and attempts to capture the feel of older Mega Man X games, while retaining a 3D appearance. ... If you'd like to nominate Rockman X8 (Japan) for Retro Game of the Day, please subm...