One Piece Treasure Cruise - The One Piece Wiki - Manga, Anime, Pirates, Marines, Treasure, Devil Fru前些日子是咱們高雄世運。 我表哥則被從花蓮調到高雄當工作人員,那時因為他說「ㄟ老弟,高雄夢時代是啥碗糕?」所以我就帶他去夢時代逛逛。(兩個男人逛夢時代實在不值得一提,所以中間過程省略!)...逛完了夢時代,我們騎著我凶狠霸勁的金豪邁125一騎出停車場時,就看到前面正要離去的馬尾OL她的NOOne Piece Treasure Cruise is a RPG video game. It follows the plot of the manga from Luffy's... ... Gameplay Edit General Edit Treasure Cruise follows the standard turn-based gameplay of traditional RPGs. The game proceeds through a variety of islands bas...