How To Make Slime with Liquid Starch - Science Experiments, Videos, and Science Fair Ideas at Scienc 寶寶有點羨慕這對情侶,但寶寶不說!!! 男友貼心的小招數真的讓然看的好羨慕啊~~~真是讓人心暖的一對小情侶! 未來出社會了、變老了,慢慢變忙了,別忘了這些小情調哦! ------------------------------------------------------------Dcard原* 1/4 cup of water * 1/4 cup of white craft glue (like Elmer's glue) * 1/4 cup of liquid starch (used for clothes) * Food coloring (optional) * Mixing bowl * Mixing spoon Pour all of the the glue into the mixing bowl. Pour all of the water to the mixing b...