How To Make Slime with Liquid Starch - Science Experiments, Videos, and Science Fair Ideas at Scienc爸爸帶小孩總是常常會讓媽媽捏把冷汗,快來看看爸爸們有什麼奇招...! 1.哎呀,太滑了,幸好手快,沒被老婆發現 2.慘了,沒抓住,回去得跪算盤了…… 3.爸爸的綁頭髮絕招 4.這爸爸不錯,哈哈... 5.看起來小孩是蠻開心的... 6.太配合了,誰叫你是我老子啦... 7* 1/4 cup of water * 1/4 cup of white craft glue (like Elmer's glue) * 1/4 cup of liquid starch (used for clothes) * Food coloring (optional) * Mixing bowl * Mixing spoon Pour all of the the glue into the mixing bowl. Pour all of the water to the mixing b...