Meiosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 亂接女同事電話後果很嚴重 公司一女同事中午外出吃飯, 手機落公司。 然後她老公一個勁的打電話, 旁邊一宅男吃完午睡, 覺得很吵, 在電話響起的第N回後, 宅男很氣憤的拿起電話, 吼道:「我們在睡覺, 你老打電話,煩不煩。」 不一會兒辦公室門口就出現了個男的。 然後宅男被打得很慘&heMeiosis i/maɪˈoʊsɨs/ is a special type of cell division necessary for sexual reproduction in eukaryotes, such as animals, plants and fungi. The number of sets of chromosomes in the cell undergoing meiosis is reduced to half the original number, typically ...