Animation: How Meiosis Works - Welcome to MHHE有一天洋蔥和馬鈴薯在互相比較誰受歡迎。 馬鈴薯:「我比較受歡迎,許多人都把我當飯吃呢!」 洋蔥:「才不呢!我絕對比你受歡迎!」 馬鈴薯:「好,你憑什麼這樣說?」 洋蔥:「人們在剝我的皮時,都拼命的掉眼淚!你就知道他們多捨不得我了!」 馬鈴薯:「……」王先生家的電鈴壞了,於Animation: How Meiosis Works (See related pages) View the animation below, then complete the quiz to test your knowledge of the concept. 1 Centromeres divide in A) mitosis and meiosis I. B) mitosis and meiosis II. C) meiosis II only. D) meiosis I and meio...