渣打國際商業銀行 - Leading international bank - Standard Chartered Bank 家務分配,是婚姻健康程度的一個指標 “家中勞動力的分配,對於一樁婚姻的健康程度是個重要指標。”崔西克這麼說,他寫了《男性的聲音:做丈夫的如何看他的婚姻、妻子、性生活、家務事和承諾》一書。崔西克訪問了三百位已婚男性,發現家務事跟性之間是永恆的平行線。與家務分配不公的怨懟夫妻比This link brings you to a third party Website, over which Standard Chartered Bank has no control ("3rd Party Website"). Use of the 3rd Party Website will be entirely at your own risk, and subject to the terms of the 3rd Party Website, including those rela...