她一句話讓男友直接GG了!XD 男友總是在酸女友沒有胸部.....
渣打國際商業銀行 - Standard Chartered Bank 這篇原PO真的是嗆的好啊! 這種嘴賤男人真的是沒什麼好值得留戀的啊! 也不看看自己的弟弟是有多大,憑什麼要來要求別人ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ 大!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------This link brings you to a third party Website, over which Standard Chartered Bank has no control ("3rd Party Website"). Use of the 3rd Party Website will be entirely at your own risk, and subject to the terms of the 3rd Party Website, including those rela...