當你嫌棄人家的同時 請留意自己的市場價值
Torchic - Pixelmon Wiki - Pixelmon Mod News當你嫌棄人家的同時 , 請留意自己的市場價值 男:嫁給我吧! 女:有房嗎男:租的..女:有車嗎男:自行車..女:薪水多少男:$ 30,000 .. 每月女:哈,那你憑什麼娶我男:我疼你啊女:疼?幾斤幾兩?男:我愛你啊女:愛?能當飯吃?男人面紅耳赤,走了.. (兩年後 . .) 男Torchic is a Fire-type starter Pokémon that evolves into Combusken at level 16. Torchic is a small chick Pokémon with stubby downy yellow wings and three toes on each of its feet. A fire burns inside Torchic so it feels very warm to hug. It launches fireb...