享受當「一日芭比」-阿根廷熱門芭比旅館 預約請等明年!
Perfect Baked Potato Recipe, Secrets To Perfect Baked Potatoes, Whats Cooking America 世界上有許多主題飯店,在英國有哈利波特旅館、法國有巨型泡泡旅館,而充滿少女幻想氛圍的芭比旅館於阿根廷正式成立。這個芭比世界以粉紅色為基調,根據官方說法,飯店的房間都是以芭比原先的家為設計理念。 ▼粉紅、桃紅、淺紅…總而言之就是一個粉嫩的小世界~ ▼女孩們朝思Perfect Baked Potato Recipe: Recipe Type: Potatoes, Vegetables Yields: serves many Prep time: 10 min Bake time: 60 min Ingredients: Baking Potatoes Olive oil, vegetable oil, or butter Coarse salt or sea salt (optional) How To Choose Potatoes for Baking: A...