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HybridCars.com - New Hybrid Reviews, News & Hybrid Mileage (MPG) Info | Hybrid嗨嗨,大家好,我是A小姐(つ >ω●)つ 近年來,網路上掀起一陣照片選妹風潮,不時就會有網友放照片看大家會選左邊還是右邊的女孩。(說真的,什麼時候才會有男生版的出現啊,A小姐覺得女孩子們應該也會想選啊。) 之前有張照片說是「處男指標」,只要是處男就會選圖中某女,或是「男女指標」,女生覺得The HybridCars.com gas calculator lets you compare the fuel economy of any new vehicle to a hybrid gas-electric car. Not just the impact on your pocketbook—which is important—but annual gas consumption, and emissions of greenhouse gases and other tailpipe...