他竟然只花300萬就買下一架波音727飛機,然後一年四季「吃 喝 拉 撒 睡」都待在飛機上度過...
Denim DIY : Celebrities in Designer Jeans from Denim Blog 今天要講的,是一個有點酷酷的美國大叔... 這個大叔叫Bruce Campbell,今年66歲,來自俄勒岡州。 在沒退休之前,Bruce是一個普通的機電工程師,但是,他這幾年在網上卻很火。因為,他做了一件驚掉所有人下巴的事——他把自己的家安在了一I’m sure this is a younger readers DIY as the bows do look quite cute and girly. They seem really easy to make, all you need is denim, a needle and thread, some scissors and a bobby pin. You can watch the video above to see how they are made with a step b...