
Latte Art - YouTube 圖翻攝自youtube 下同 國外一名12歲男孩,每次洗澡時都會跟著節奏起舞,邊沐浴邊想像自己正站在滿是人群的舞池當中,但超級尷尬的瞬間即將在下一秒就要發生了....   由於他洗澡的時間實在太長了,有一天家人決定偷看他洗澡的狀況,結果這整個情況都被手機拍攝下來!!當小男生回頭的那一瞬間Creating art with latte coffee ... 2013 WBC Finals - Pete Licata, United States - Duration: 24:37. by WorldCoffeeEvents 247,583 views 24:37 Play next Play now Coffee&LatteArt集 2011 var1 - Duration: 7:04....


Latte macchiato - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia text/ Shelley Lai; photo/ Kate Lin; style/Kay Pai; makeup & hair/Jimy Wu; special thanks/Mute Living 安境;(02)27510598; 02/08/2016 Latte macchiato (Italian pronunciation: [ˈlatte makˈkjaːto]) is a coffee beverage; the name literally means stained milk. This refers to the method of preparation, wherein the milk is "stained" by the addition of espresso....


牛奶@咖啡 越長大越孤單 KTV - YouTube (翻攝自Dcard)   --------------------------------------- 以下轉載自Dcard原文 我 19 歲加入夜店 21 歲買了 第一輛瑪莎拉帝 23 歲踏入人生巔峰開店 不斷有人想要加盟 現在也已經開到第十間店面了 昨天 我買了一台白色LP700-歌曲:越長大越孤單 歌手:牛奶@咖啡 多年以後 你回到我身邊 不安全 充滿了你疲倦的雙眼 看著我 也告訴我 你是否 依然相信童話 你曾對我說 每顆心都寂寞 每顆心都脆弱都渴望被觸摸 但你的心 永遠的燃燒著 永遠的 不會退縮 越長大越孤單 越長大 ......


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Take the "Start Over" Latte Factor® Challenge - David Bach's Finish Rich Media     原來有很多不知不覺、有意無意釋放出來的訊息,都可能有特殊的意義!你也懂另一半放出來的訊息意義嗎?   ---------------------------------------------------------- 以下轉載自批踢踢:   昨晚老Take The "Start Over" Latte Factor® Challenge The Latte Factor® is based on the simple idea that all you need to do to finish rich is to look at the small things you spend your money on every day and see whether you could redirect that spending to yoursel...


Literal Latte | A Journal of Poetry, Prose and Art 三立、八大台灣好戲「白鷺鷥的願望」,首映記者會女星感動哭花美妝,韓宜邦和趙駿亞劇中把妹有術,現場則自爆戲外把妹糗事,一個載人耍帥不成「犁田」打滾,一個被對方回敬白眼吐槽。 三立、八大台灣好戲「白鷺鷥的願望」今(5日)晚首播,該劇由葉鳳英編劇,故事從民國七十年代,南部「永旺蜜餞行」的陳家兩姐妹瓊美(First Prize, 2014 Literal Latte Essay Award. In the beginning was the word and the word was… no. Wait. Before a word there is indrawn breath, inspiration, the original pregnant pause. Godhead, aleph, ein sof, unsounded sound…....
