15張史上「最經典崩壞失敗魯蛇自拍」! 8 根本就是最自婊範例啊!
Jennifer Garner Fan — We love Jennifer Garner ▲經典失敗自拍照,你做過哪幾種最蠢的示範?(sourse : boredpanda,下同) 在這個人手一機的時代,拍照變得方便又快速,尤其女生們都喜歡為自己拍出一張張美美的自拍照,但是在自拍時可要注意,別讓奇怪的東西也一起入鏡了! #1 先生,你很趕時間嗎?不能等「解放」完再拍嗎? She costarred with her husband Ben Affleck in Daredevil in 2003. But it appears like actress Jennifer Garner is sketching a line when it comes to blending pleasure and business her spouse. Recently, when questioned if she would collaborate with the Batman...