【Major made.】Mavis*瑪菲斯 | Facebook ※ 引述《B4MV (Gone forever)》之銘言:: 在沒有地心引力的外太空: 假設在太空船內漂浮時打槍射精: 人會往後飛向後推進嗎? 鍵盤專業物理分析師來啦!先來複習一下牛頓第三運動定律...【牛頓第三運動定律】甲、乙二物體有力的交互作用時當甲施力於乙時,乙亦必同時施反作用力於甲且二力【See more of 【Major made.】Mavis*瑪菲斯 by logging into Facebook Message this Page, learn about upcoming events and more. If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one to see more of this Page. Message this Page, learn about upcoming events and more...