亡夫的骨灰 妻子的思念,大海將愛串連在一起
Ecosystem ppt - Upload, Share, and Discover Content on SlideShare亡夫的骨灰、妻子的思念,大海將愛串連在一起 2012年三月, 貝弗莉(56)把她丈夫高登的骨灰放進了一個寶特瓶裡, 然後丟進了佛羅里達附近的海岸。 在寶特瓶裡有$2的美金(台幣約60元), 和一張給撿到寶特瓶的人小紙條, 裡面寫著:「我Ecosystem By: Caroline R. Ignacio ... Transcript 1. Ecosystem By: Caroline R. Ignacio 2. Ecosystems are composed of organisms interacting with each other and with their environment such that energy is exchanged and system-level processes, such ......