
Biodiesel | Natural Resources Canada這樣還有哪個男生敢搭訕!?? What is biodiesel? Biodiesel is a diesel fuel substitute used in diesel engines made from renewable materials such as: Plant oils: canola, camelina, soy, flax, jatropha, mahua, pongamia pinnata, mustard, coconut, palm, hemp and sunflower; Waste cooking oi...


甘油 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書天阿~真是太銷魂了!!!! ^Viscosity of Glycerol and its Aqueous Solutions. [2011-04-19]. ^ Lide, D. R. (編). CRC Handbook of Data on Organic Compounds 3rd. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 1994: 4386. ^ Nilles, Dave. A Glycerin Factor. Biodiesel Magazine. 2005. ^ Christoph, Ralf ......
